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Lotteries Health Success for Immunology Researchers

Posted by on 17 April 2012 | Comments

Congratulations to Alex McLellan, Ros Kemp, and our new recruit, Jo Kirman (starting June 2012) for their recent success in the Lotteries Health Research funding round.

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OSMS Teaching and Research Support Awards

Posted by on 1 February 2012 | Comments

Congratulations to Julie Weaver and Chris Rodgers who both received OSMS awards - Julie for DIstinguished Teaching Fellow / Professional Practice Fellow, and Chris for Distinguished Research Support Staff.

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Departmental Research Retreat

Posted by on 7 November 2011 | Comments

The Department of Microbiology and Immunology held a Research Retreat at the Crown Mill on October 28th. The research retreat was a chance to see the depth of research in the Department and included talks and poster presentations from most people in the Department. 

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Medical teaching award for Dr Heather Brooks

Posted by on 7 November 2011 | Comments

Congratulations to Dr Heather Brooks who received a best lecturer award for her teaching in both the 2nd year and 3rd year medicine courses at the recent Otago University Medical Students’ Association (OUMSA) Teaching Excellence Awards.

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Amphibacillus cookii - a new bacterial species named after Professor Greg Cook

Posted by on 6 November 2011 | Comments

A new bacterial species has been named after our very own Greg Cook. 

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Professor Gerald Tannock elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand

Posted by on 2 November 2011 | Comments

Professor Gerald Tannock was one of twelve top New Zealand researchers elected as Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand at the Annual General Meeting of the Society's Academy in Auckland yesterday (November 2nd).  

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Tu Kahika visit

Posted by on 16 October 2011 | Comments

Last week, the Department of Microbiology and Immunology hosted the 2011 Tu Kahika students on behalf of the Otago School of Medical Sciences.  Students met with representative staff and students from all 5 departments in OSMS and also participated in a microbiology practical session, organised by Dr Judith Bateup. Students analysed microbes from their own teeth and, for those who dug deep, their gums too.

More information on the Tu Kahika programme can be found here

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2011 4th year research symposium

Posted by on 15 October 2011 | Comments

4th year students based in Microbiology and Immunology had a chance to present their year’s research at the annual 4th year research symposium held on Friday October 14th.

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Marsden Fund success for Professor Margaret Baird and Professor Antony Braithwaite

Posted by on 5 October 2011 | Comments

Congratulations to Professor Margaret Baird and Professor Antony Braithwaite (Department of Pathology) for their success in the latest, highly competititve, round of the Marsden Fund.  Margaret and Antony received $860,000 to research "The p53 tumour suppressor and its nemesis – does a p53 isoform promote cancer through an inflammatory pathway?".

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Modular PC3 facility installed on the roof of the Microbiology building

Posted by on 3 October 2011 | Comments

The University of Otago’s new modular PC3 facility was craned on to the top of the Microbiology building today.

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