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Research seminars and colloquia

Seminar Schedule 2024

Seminars are held at 1pm in Room BIG13 of the Biochemistry Bldg, Science 1, 710 Cumberland St.

Seminars may be subject to change.

See latest news and events for more detail about the next upcoming seminar.






 Sem 1:        
19 February
1:00pm Prof Søren  Sørensen University of Copenhagen  
26 February 1:00pm Remy Mushin  Micro & Immuno  
4 March 1:00pm Andrew Highton Micro & Immuno  
11 March 1:00pm Prof Roslyn Kemp Micro & Immuno  
18 March  1:00pm

Pinilla Redondo Rafa

University of Copenhagen  
25 March 1:00pm Joep de Ligt Hartwig Medical Foundation  
 1 April
Easter Monday    
8 April 1:00pm Stephanie Waller Micro & Immuno    
15 April 1:00pm Htin Aung Micro & Immuno  
22 April  1:00pm Aniruddha Chatterjee  Pathology  
29 April 1:00pm Bruce Russell Micro & Immun  
6 May  CANCELLED      
13 May 1:00pm Ros Kemp  
20 May 1:00pm  Cara Adolph Micro & Immuno
27 May  Tertiary Open Day No seminar      
3 June King's B-day        
10 June  1:00pm Jerusha Bennett  Zoology     
17 June cancelled      
24 June  1:00pm  John Hale BLIS Technologies  
1 July
 1:00pm Mojgan Rabiey Univ of Warwick U    
8 July cancelled        
Sem 2:        
15 July cancelled        
22 July 1:00pm Safina Gadeock Micro & Immun
29 July 1:00pm Saki Baleivanualala Micro & Immun    
5 August  1:00pm Matt McNeil  Micro & Immun  
12 August 1:00pm Justin Tirados Micro & Immun    
19 August 1:00pm Alice McSweeney  Micro & Immun  
26 August
 1:00pm Sam Taylor-Wardell Micro & Immun    
2 September 1:00pm Prof Katherine Ralston  Micro & Immun  
3 September 1:00pm Dr Alexandra J Spencer  Margaret Baird Award visitor   SPECIAL SEMINAR  
5 September 1:00pm  Prof John Fisher University of Maryland  SPECIAL SEMINAR   
9 September 1:00pm Hazel Sisson Micro & Immun  
16 September  cancelled      
23 September  1:00pm  Prof Peter Jones Dept of Physiology  
30 September 1:00pm James Hdgkinson-Bean Micro & Immun  
7 October 1:00pm Rory Costello Micro & Immun  
14 October 1:00pm  Parry Guilford  Biochemistry  
21 October 1:00pm  Francesca Hills Micro & Immun  
28 October Labour Day      
4 November        
11 November        
14 November   Stephanie Boisson-Dupuis    SPECIAL
18 November        
25 November        
2 December        
9 December        
16 December        

Postgraduate Research Colloquia Talks Schedule 2024

The colloquia talks are held on Fridays at 1pm in Room 208. PG students are required to take part in a colloquia once a year. Speakers who are scheduled to talk are expected to give a 15-min talk with 5-mins for questions (time will be kept by a PG rep). Speakers need to stick to their allotted time, including question time.  Question time priority is first given to students then the wider department. The sessions are intended to be relatively informal with descriptions of both problematic and triumphal aspects of current research, as well as a brief introduction to assist a general audience's understanding of the project.  Attendance at colloquia is compulsory for PG students.  The PG reps will coordinate the organisation of these colloquia talks.

Date PG Speaker 1 PG Speaker 2 Chair & Title Session
12 April Rebecca Grimwood Megan McLeod  
 19 April Taina Naivalu  Simran Lakhina  
 26 April Workshop - TBC    
3 May  Riya Shajumon  Georgia Rutter  
10 May Brad Devery Nicole Lee  
 17 May Douglas Gaskarth  Scott Clifford  
24 May Natalie Kyte Ella MacBeth  
31 May  Workshop - TBC