Congratulations to all of our students who graduated in the weekend:
Deepal Prasad (currently studying P.G.Dip.Sci in Microbiology)
Hannah Furze (currently studying P.G.Cert.Heal.Sc. in Occupational Health)
Ella Williamson (currently studying MB.ChB)
Georgia Bell (currently studying P.G.Dip.Sci in Immunology and employed as part-time Research Technician in Immunology)
Chris Tomlinson (currently employed by Ministry of Primary Industry)
Abby Sawyer (currently employed by Silver Fern Farms)
Elliott Dunn (currently studying M.Sc in Immunology)
Cameron Huxley (currently studying Diploma in Public Health)
Olivia Robb (currently studying MB.ChB; also awarded University of Otago Scholarship in Science, 2011)
Dulani Jayamaha (currently studying MB.ChB (Auckland); also awarded University of Otago Scholarship in Science, 2011)
George Shaw
Simon Woudberg
Maryam Zaabi
Elyce du Mez (Hons I)
Cam Field (Hons I; currently studying Ph.D at Malaghan Institute of Medical Research)
Lisa Flanagan (Hons I; currently employed by Fonterra)
Chris Richards (Hons 2.1; currently studying M.Sc in Microbiology)
Chris Nones (with credit; currently studying M.Sc in Microbiology)