1:00pm, Monday, 4th April
Room BIG13, Ground Floor
Biochemistry Building
710 Cumberland St
Mina Rajabi
Centre for Bioengineering & Nanomedicine, Faculty of Dentistry
‘Development and characterisation of novel inks for 3D printing of bone tissue engineering scaffolds’
Mina is a PhD candidate at University of Otago. Her passion to improve human lives along with her aptitude for engineering and biology attracted her to the bioengineering field. Her research interests involve the development and modification of biomaterials for tissue engineering using a variety of additive manufacturing techniques. Her current research involves developing novel inks for 3D printing of regenerative tissue constructs for bone tissue engineering. Her repertoire of techniques includes 3D printing and electrospinning, polymer synthesis, physical and chemical characterisation techniques, in vitro cell culture and microbiological analysis.
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