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Masters Completion

Posted by on 31 August 2013 | Comments

Congratulations to Anne-Kristin Dahse for completing her MSc.

Supervisor: Dr Heather Brooks

Thesis title: Characterisation of siderphore producing marine bacteria

Project Abstract:  Under iron-depleted conditions, marine bacteria produce an iron chelator called a siderophore to scavenge for iron. Very little is known about siderophore producing bacteria in the oceans. Bacteria obtained from a recent international GeoTrace research cruise were screened for siderophore production, dereplicated and identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Fingerprint data suggested that siderophore producing marine bacteria are more phylogenetically diverse and widespread in the environment than current literature indicates. However, 16S rRNA sequencing identified only four siderophore producing marine bacterial genera. Sampled isolates showed sequence similarities to Marinobacter algicola, Halomonas meridiana, Ruegeria scottomollicae, and Bacillus subtilis. This study contributes new research findings to the field of marine microbial ecology and highlights the importance of siderophore producing bacteria in the ocean environment.